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Tarea pesada

Las cajas resistentes son un elemento de embalaje integral si envía productos voluminosos que requieren una solución de envío sólida. Sus características los convierten en el embalaje de envío perfecto que ofrece protección adicional y resistencia al apilamiento al transportar objetos valiosos o pesados.

The Packaging Company ofrece cajas de envío duraderas y resistentes para ayudarle a entregar productos en perfectas condiciones, lograr una logística de transporte sin esfuerzo y satisfacer a los clientes. Nuestra gama de contenedores pesados es amplia, lo que significa que descubrirá en nuestro stock la solución ideal que combine con los productos que envía.

Cuadrículaver Listaver

3 artículo (s)

  1. Cajas de cartón ondulado de pared simple, 24 x 24 x 24 ", profundidad múltiple, 44 ECT

    10 / PAQUETE 120 / BALE. Alturas de profundidad múltiple de 22,20,18,16,14,12 ". Aprende más

Cuadrículaver Listaver

3 artículo (s)

High-Quality Single Wall Boxes

When you’re shipping out extra-heavy products, components, or machinery pieces, you need a real heavyweight of a corrugated container to get the job done. High-quality single-wall boxes fit that bill perfectly. These specially designed cartons are specifically made for handling and protecting heavier objects during their extended shipping adventures.

Manufactured from high-quality corrugated materials, these high-quality single-wall boxes are rated 40% stronger than your average shipping container. They can effortlessly withstand the pressure of an intense quality-checking crush test. Their layer of corrugated cardboard contains flutes between two card walls that ensure the carton resists any knocks and bumps during transit.

Thanks to the extra protection and strength of these corrugated shipping cartons, you’ll find real peace of mind and reduced shipping damages. That same strength increases their ability to be stacked in transit and storage. There’s no comparison except for our strong triple and double-walled cardboard boxes.

Robust Triple and Double-Walled Cardboard Boxes

Whether you’re a warehouse shipping large car components, a manufacturer sending out heavy pieces of equipment and machinery, or an artist delivering something exciting and unique to a client, like a multi-piece sculpture made from lots of heavy iron, these robust triple and double walled cardboard boxes have got you covered.

You can choose your desired level of protection and support based on what you’re shipping, knowing that your business's double-wall and triple-wall boxes will accommodate your packaging needs. You’re also not limited to standard corrugated box sizes and styles when you’re in need of heavy-duty protection, either. You’ll find plenty of options and sizes, including long, tall, multi-depth types, and more.

Choose The Packaging Company for Robust Heavy Duty Boxes

Lots of potentially damaging encounters can happen when your products and equipment are sent out into the world for delivery. Making sure your shipping cartons of choice can handle the trip (no matter the distance) while keeping your valuable shipments and their contents secure is an absolute must.

The corrugated heavyweights we offer ship flat and in bundles to save you money and storage space. When you’ve got extra-strength shipping requirements, no matter the size or shape of your product, you’ll find the heavy-duty boxes your business needs right here. Choose The Packaging Company for robust, heavy-duty boxes, send your products on the safest shipping journey.